Friday, August 17, 2007

MCA Youth leader executed gangland-style

MCA Youth leader executed gangland-style
Regina William
KULIM (Aug 17, 2007):

A MCA Youth leader was executed gangland-style by a gunman who shot him in the head twice at a traffic lights junction here this morning.
Padang Serai MCA youth vice-chairman Ching Eng Wah had stopped his car at the junction at 8am when two men on a motorcycle pulled alongside his Mercedes Benz.

One of them whipped out a gun and shot point blank, killing Ching on the spot. Ching's wife, Lau Bee Kiau, 40, was seated on the front passenger's seat.

Lau was unhurt as the gunman and his accomplice fled immediately after the shooting.

Ching, who stays in Padang Serai, was rushed to the Metro Hospital in Sungai Petani but he was pronounced dead on arrival.

Police, who declined comment, have yet to make any arrests nor established the motive for the slaying.

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